A lot of people let it go too far, proper maintenance on the car is the life of the car.

Your car as one of the biggest purchases you’ve ever made, needs proper maintenance to run. Reading and following these simple tips will help you to make your car last longer and save lots of money along the way. A well-maintained car will last longer, are more fuel efficient and have better performance and smooth drive.

4 Simple Ways To Make Your Car Last Longer

1- Periodical Service

The first and the most important one on the list which everybody knows is regular services, but some don’t take it seriously and simply postpone it to a later time. New cars can easily overpass their scheduled service intervals without being noticed! But this can harm your engine and other components. So it is very important to stick to the recommended service intervals by the manufacturing company that can be found in the car’s manual. It is also better to do it a bit earlier than it’s recommended intervals.

2- Don’t Skimp On Oil Change

Oil is engine’s lifeblood. It keeps your engine lubricated and cooled. Old contaminated oil will shorten engine’s life. It is always recommended to follow the car’s manual and use the manufacturer recommendation. You could do some serious damage to your engine by neglecting oil change at it’s regular intervals.

3- Don’t Ignore Issues and Notifications 

Keep an eye on the dashboard and listen to the noises. Ignoring your car problems may cost you thousand dollars. Fluid leaks, brake noise, knocking noise, dashboard notifications and screeches indicate a possible serious issue. Don’t pretend it’s just not there and turn up the radio or think it will fix by itself. Take it to a professional technician at your earliest possible. Even there are some safety issues that need to be taken care immediately. By dealing with these problems when you first notice, you can prevent a possible expensive repair.

4- Keep It Clean 

Yes! That’s right. You can significantly extend your car’s life by keeping it clean. Dirt and grime causes rust. Grit gets into car’s moving parts and the chassis, causes accelerated wear and corrosion. Bird droppings on your paintwork can damage the paintwork permanently, never leave it behind. Winter road salt is super corrosive, take the car to carwash from time to time in winter and don’t forget to wash the undercarriage. Also keep in mind that a yearly polish will provide a layer of protection and prevent rust from spreading.


There are some Dos and Don’t when you decide to retire your ride. What you should consider before scrapping your car? How much your junk car worth? What is the best way to do it? What to do to get the most money for your dead car? Are there any hidden fees? When it’s better to scrap and when it’s right time to keep the car and fix it? We have all the answers. Melbourne VIP Cash For Cars is a good resource of information and tips about car recycling industry and you can find most up to date information here.


If you are in Kooyong, Victoria 3144, and looking to sell your car, below is the best way to visit us.

Contact us at

Melbourne VIP Cash For Cars

Unit 3/2 Lace St

Eumemmerring VIC 3177

(03) 9067 7578
