You’ll see this claim on every junk car buying website — we tow any car for free! But is that really true? What if your car is missing wheels? Or extra-large? How can you be sure that you’ll really get free towing?
It’s always smart to ask all these questions when you’re on the phone with an agent. We promise to be up front about your offers and always throw in free towing. But if you are shopping around before committing to a buyer, you will want to ask these questions before accepting an offer.
When shopping around for junk car offers, you’ll want to verify a few things before accepting anything. First off, is the offer you’re given on the phone really what you’ll be paid? You don’t want to accept something and then when the tow truck driver shows up it’s really a different amount. And with the tow truck driver, you want to ensure the towing is really free. They may show up and demand $50 for the tow, and then your $300 offer is looking more like $250.
Asking for clarification about these things ensures you’ll get the best deal and have a great experience selling your car. At Melbourne VIP Cash For Cars we can ensure you’ll get what we offer on the phone, but if you decide to go with a competitor, just be sure to know what you’re getting in to.
But what if you have a difficult car to tow? Let’s say the wheels on your car are missing and it will be harder to get up on a tow truck. Or it’s an extra-large truck, so you need to know that the tow truck will be big enough for it. Make sure to ask these questions when getting your offer, as they could impact your bottom line.
A company may offer free towing for standard vehicles but charge you for a more complicated situation. At Melbourne VIP Cash For Cars towing is always free. Just let us know about your unique situation and we will be sure to send an appropriate tow truck. It may end up costing us a little more, but you’ll never know the hoops we jump through to ensure our customers are happy. We just want you to have the best possible experience selling your junk car.
If all of this sounds like a great offer to you, check out our service areas to make sure we are available in your area. Then give us a call today at (03) 9067 7578! We are here to give you the best offer and experience.
If you are in Heidelberg, Victoria 3084, and looking to sell your car, below is the best way to visit us.
Contact us at
Melbourne VIP Cash For Cars
Unit 3/2 Lace St
Eumemmerring VIC 3177
(03) 9067 7578